Newsletters March 2021



Three (3) of our #paper made it to the list of the most popular ones for the month of #February #2021 for the corresponding #IEEE #Journals. In more detail, their titles are the following:

1. “How Much do Hardware Imperfections Affect the Performance of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Systems?”;

2. “Coverage analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systems”; and

3. “Machine Learning in Nano-Scale Biomedical Engineering”

The first one was published in #IEEE #Open #Journal of the #Communications #Society and it is in the corresponding list from August 2020. In this paper, we took a new look at #reconfigurable#intelligent#surface (RIS) assisted wireless systems and explained the impact of #transceivers#hardware#imperfections in the #performance of such systems. Novel low-complexity and insightful expressions were extracted for the outage probability and diversity order, which highlighted that hardware imperfection may significantly constraint the outage performance of RIS-assisted wireless systems without affecting the diversity order. You can find the paper in:

1.1. #ieeexplore:

1.2. #researchgate:…/343295287_How_Much_do…

The second paper was published in #IEEE #Open #Journal of #Vehicular #Society and analyzes the coverage capabilities of RIS-assisted THz wireless systems. In this direction, it first presents an #electromagnetic-fueled #path-loss for the source-RIS-destination end-to-end link, which takes into account the RIS characteristics and functionalities, namely electromagnetic properties of each one of the RIS elements as well as the phase shift that they apply. Unfortunately, this model is not suitable for further #analysis. In face of this #challenge, we provide a very tight and tractable path-loss #approximation as well as #channel coefficient approximation. Building upon the aforementioned approximations as well as the assumption that the user equipment is located in a random position within a circular cluster, we present the #theoretical #framework that quantifies the #coverage #performance of the system under investigation. From our analysis, we are able to extract a useful #operation #guideline. In more detail, it is revealed that there exists a #minimum #transmission #power that #guarantees 100% #coverage #probability. For more info, you can read this paper in:

2.1. #ieeexplore:

2.2. #researchgate:…/348364715_Coverage…

The third paper was published in #IEEE #Transactions on #Molecular, #Biological and #Multi-Scale #Communications, it has uploaded to #ieeexplore in #November 2020, and although it is still in early access mode, it is the third time that is included in this list. In this paper, motivated by the fact that #machine #learning (ML) is capable of empowering biomedical systems since it has the capability to #optimize their #performance through modeling of the available data extremely well, without using strong assumptions about the modeled system, and thus dealing with the complexity of nano-scale biosystems data, we provide a comprehensive #review of the ML approaches that are used in the field of #nano-scale #biomedical #engineering. In more detail, we first identify and discuss the main challenges that can be formulated as ML problems. These challenges are classified into three main categories: #structure and #material design and #simulation, #communications and #signal #processing and #biomedicine #applications. Next, we discuss the #state-of-the-art ML #methodologies that are used to countermeasure the aforementioned challenges. For each of the presented methodologies, special emphasis is given to its #principles, #applications, and #limitations. Finally, we conclude the article with insightful discussions, that reveal research gaps and highlight possible #future #research #directions. We believe that this paper can be one of the bridges between #ML and #nano-scale #biomedical #engineering, allowing researchers that work in one of these fields to have contributions to the other one. You can find the paper in:

3.1. #ieeexplore:

3.2. #researchgate:…/344764320_Machine…

Papers uploaded to IEEE Xplore

Our #article titled “Optical Wireless Communications for In-Body and Transdermal Biomedical Applications” has been (at last) uploaded to #ieeexplore. This article was published in #IEEE #Communications #Magazine! In this article, we discuss the design of novel #biomedical #implants that are based on optical wireless communications (OWCs). In more detail, after summarizing the main applications and reporting their requirements, we describe the characteristics of the transdermal and in-body optical channels (OCs) as well as the challenges that they impose in the design of communication systems. Likewise, we provide three possible architectures for transdermal communications, namely #electro-optical monitoring, #optoelectrical, and #all-optical (AO), for neural stimulation, which are currently under investigation, whereas for in-body communications, we provide a nano-scale AO concept. For each architecture, we discuss the main #operation #principles, the #technology #enablers, and #research #directions for their development. Finally, we #highlight the necessity of designing an #information-#theoretic framework for the analysis and design of the #physical and #medium access control layers, which take into account the channels’ characteristics. We believe that this article can open the road for #designing, #analyzing, and #optimizing OWC-assisted #biomedical #implats. You can find this article in:

4.1. #ieeexplore:

4.2. #ResearchGate:…/344218864_Optical…

If you are interested in the field of biomedical implants, but you are a #communication #engineer, another paper that may be useful for you is “Electrical vs Optical Cell Stimulation: A Communication Perspective”. We have published this paper in #October 2020 at #IEEE #Access. In this article, we introduce a novel system model that treats #electrical and #optical #cell #stimulations as communication processes. Building upon the aforementioned #system #model, we define and evaluate suitable engineering metrics such as average latency, power consumption, transmission distance, as well as stimulation frequency, pulse width, and amplitude. You can find this paper in:

5.1. #ieeexplore:

5.2. #ResearchGate:…/344682644_Electrical_vs…

Papers accepted for publication

Check out our #IEEE #ICC #2021 #conference #paper entitled “Pathloss modeling of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systems” that you can find in:

6.1. #arXiv:

6.2. #ResearchGate:…/349391746_Pathloss…

Note that both in arXiV and ResearchGate the final versions of this paper have been uploaded.

Another interesting paper that has been recently accepted (December 2020) for presentation in #European #Conference on #Antennas and #Propagation is the one entitled “Optimal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Placement in Millimeter-Wave Communications”. In this paper, we extract the optimal position of a RIS that is used to assist #millimeter-#wave #communication #systems. You can find this paper in:

7.1. #ResearchGate:…/347442611_Optimal…


A #preprint of the #journal #version of the conference paper “Optimal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Placement in Millimeter-Wave Communications”, which is titled “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Optimal Placement in Millimeter-Wave Networks” can be found in:

7.2. #arXiv:

Finally, another #preprint that I am proud of is our work entitled “Metasurface-Coated Devices: A New Paradigm for Energy-Efficient and Secure 6G Communications”. In this contribution, recognizing the sixth generation fundamental challenge, i.e., to offer high-energy-efficiency and autonomy communications securely, we report energy efficiency (EE), energy harvesting (EH), and secure performance employing power-collecting metasurface-coated devices capable of supporting ultra-low-power (ULP) transmissions. This novel approach provides can boost the energy autonomy of end-devices and enable new internet-of-things applications. This preprint can be found in:8.1. #arXiv: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my co-authors and colleagues for their help, contributions, and discussions.

For the readers’ convenience, the following table summarizes the papers with the corresponding links.

How Much do Hardware Imperfections Affect the Performance of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Systems?IEEEXploreResearchGate
Coverage analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systemsIEEEXploreResearchGate
Machine Learning in Nano-Scale Biomedical EngineeringIEEEXploreResearchGateArXiV
Optical Wireless Communications for In-Body and Transdermal Biomedical ApplicationsIEEEXploreResearchGateArXiV
Electrical vs Optical Cell Stimulation: A Communication PerspectiveIEEEXploreResearchGate
Pathloss modeling of reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted THz wireless systemsResearchGateArXiV
Optimal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Placement in Millimeter-Wave CommunicationsResearchGate
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Optimal Placement in Millimeter-Wave NetworksResearchGateArXiV
Metasurface-Coated Devices: A New Paradigm for Energy-Efficient and Secure 6G CommunicationsResearchGateArXiV

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